Penetration Testing Services and Solutions

Penetration Testing IT Service Providers Winston-Salem

Are you looking to determine the IT security of your company? Are you required to perform annual testing for a client? Creative IT offer's internal and external penetration testing for businesses to solve these particular issues.

We perform 2 times of Penetration Tests
  1. External Penetration Test. This is the best way to determine what information and methods an attacker could use to attack your organization. Our External Penetration testing vets your digital security. At the end of this test you will be provided a comprehensive list of tests that provide a look into what attackers can determine about your organization from the outside.You will learn what employees may need additional training, and what holes are open to the outside world that may be targets for hackers.
  2. Internal Penetration Test. This test will provide full details on the inner workings of your technology and provide an in depth look at the security of your systems and networks.You will learn how your systems are protected and what you can do to better secure your systems from threats internal and external.
Running a Penetration Test on your company is the first step in protecting your organization from hackers and inside threats.

Don't be low hanging fruit for Cyber Criminals

We promise after performing a penetration test you will have a better understanding of the threats exist and what you are currently doing, and can do to protect your business.

Creative IT Stays Well Informed Of Trends In The IT industry And Are Proactive With Security

Creative IT Stays Well Informed Of Trends In The IT industry And Are Proactive With Security
Prior to signing on with Creative IT our we had a security incident which basically rendered us inoperable for three days.  With the additional security measures and firewalls Creative IT have put in place I don’t believe we would be vulnerable to such an attack again. Creative IT has proactively ...Read More

Christine Mayers
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation

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