Security Audit & IT Risk Assessments

Security Audit & Risk Assessments Winston-Salem

Here’s something to think about, if you fell victim to a cyber crime how would your clients, employees, friends and colleagues react? Unlike other crimes there is no sympathy for those who are attacked by cyber criminals, and that is unfair. Ask yourself the following 6 frightening questions:

  1. When is the last time you performed a Security Assessment. If the answer is never or more than a year ago, it is time to run a security assessment. With today's threat landscape changing so rapidly a security assessment is a must.
  2. If you and your employees’ login credentials are being sold on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee one or more are… THIS will shock you). Thanks to a new threat intelligence and ID-monitoring service we subscribe to, we can run a report on YOUR company and see what credentials are actively being sold on the Dark Web, which is a part of the World Wide Web accessible only by means of special software, allowing operators to remain completely and totally anonymous and untraceable, used by the most notorious cybercrime rings around the world.
  3. Do you know where your backup files are stored and if they are being stored properly? If you are like most business owners, you’re too busy dealing with the “crisis of the day” to think about system backups and probably leave tasks to your internal expert. If your database gets fried and your tech is nowhere to be found, you might be in a lot of trouble.
  4. Do you have a written plan for restoring your network fast in the case of a disaster? If you don’t have a fully tested disaster recovery plan for your office, you could be at serious risk without ever knowing it until something happens.
  5. Do your employees truly know how to spot a phishing e-mail? We will actually put them to the test. We’ve never seen a company pass 100%. Never.
  6. Do you know what routine maintenance is being done on your network? I know that the very idea of learning about and keeping track of all the servers, workstations, and peripherals on your network is about as welcome as a black cat crossing your path, but it is important information to maintain. If your in-house expert leaves, who will take over?
So how did you do? If you answered “no” to even one of these questions, you need to get the answers now, before it’s too late.

Don't be low hanging fruit for Cyber Criminals

We promise after performing a security assessment you will have a better understanding of the threats exist and what you are currently doing, and can do to protect your business.

Creative IT Stays Well Informed Of Trends In The IT industry And Are Proactive With Security

Creative IT Stays Well Informed Of Trends In The IT industry And Are Proactive With Security
Prior to signing on with Creative IT our we had a security incident which basically rendered us inoperable for three days.  With the additional security measures and firewalls Creative IT have put in place I don’t believe we would be vulnerable to such an attack again. Creative IT has proactively ...Read More

Christine Mayers
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation

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