Keep your network up and running with Network Continuity
When you lose internet in your office is your business able to continue to server your clients and customers? If the answer is no then you can't afford network down time.
When your internet goes out do you spend time calling your Internet Service Provider? Or do you just keep working? We work with companies to strengthen their network as build in Network Continuity and Internet Failover to prevent network outages.Don't Let Poor Network Connectivity Cost Your Money
We promise after performing a network assessment you will have a better understanding of the network reliability and options to prevent network outages.Our Server Went Down And Creative IT Was Onsite Before I Even Realized There Was A Problem
Just over a year ago we switched to Creative IT’s Co-Location off-site backup service from our previous provider. We switched for two reasons – the cost was lower than what we had been paying, but more importantly, we trusted Creative IT to be there for us when we had a problem since we had a ...Read More
Tina Kneisel
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