Cloud Data BAck-up

What would happen if your servers crashed today?

If you would lose sleep or have to work late, or have to spend money re-building your data then it is time to think about your disaster recovery plan.

All hard drives fail, all hardware dies, it is about planning for the worse case and hoping for the best. Relying on tape backups or local backups that would take you hours if not days to restore from may work for some businesses but what about yours? How critical is your data to your ability to server your clients? Can you recover from a server crash or data loss? If Yes can how long would you be down before your data is back? These are questions you want to ask yourself and determine the impact to your ability to service your clients.

Don't Rely On Hope To Prevent Data Loss

We promise after performing a data loss assessment you will have a better understanding of the security of your data and options to prevent down time.

Our Server Went Down And Creative IT Was Onsite Before I Even Realized There Was A Problem

Our Server Went Down And Creative IT Was Onsite Before I Even Realized There Was A Problem
Just over a year ago we switched to Creative IT’s Co-Location off-site backup service from our previous provider.  We switched for two reasons – the cost was lower than what we had been paying, but more importantly, we trusted Creative IT to be there for us when we had a problem since we had a ...Read More

Tina Kneisel

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